Isit the same character in portal and portal 2
Isit the same character in portal and portal 2

isit the same character in portal and portal 2

Now I could discuss this game to an endless degree, in terms of game design, dialogue and atmosphere, but I want to eschew that for one particular thing. Portal 2 was released last week to much fanfare by the game press and fans, and is by Valve’s founder’s view, the best game they’ve ever published. This week, I am analyzing a game that neither needs added compliment nor attention, but I will give it that anyway. These could be video games, anime, books, comics, animation, live action, TV or movies that I think are significant in some way and will attempt to inspire readers to look at these works in a new light or look at them in general. Hello the five people who read this blog, I am going to be doing a weekly blog post called ‘Serious Analysis’ on series or parts of series that I enjoyed.

Isit the same character in portal and portal 2